First Grad School Test & Sickie Weekend


My Sunday was spent laying on the couch with my pup who was trying to make me feel better. I have no idea what I have but I think my body is still fighting a fever.

Saturday I started Jamie Eason’s LiveFit program again. I did it when it first came out and loved it, so I’m back again. I’m also tracking it on Bodyspace to make new fitness friends! If you’re on there you can find me. My username is AlyssaClement.

So yesterday morning I was all ready to workout. Then I got worse as the day progressed so I decided not to. I’m feeling a little better today, so I’ll just take it as it goes however I’ll probably take another rest day.

On a happier note I’m proud to announce that I got an A on my first ever grad school test!! That excited me. State’s program is no joke. I have 2 more tests this week so I’ll be studying my butt off for 2 more A’s. I found this awesome app, MyHomework, that I can input all my tasks and when they need to be done, then check them off when they’re completed. Best app I could’ve found!

Tomorrow NC will be getting another snow storm!!

Stay warm,

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