Weekend Wrap-up: I’m Fit Possible Ambassador, football and lazyness

The last weekend of the year is here! This year went by incredibly fast…it’s so crazy how time flies by.


1. I became an I’m Fit Possible ambassador!! Super excited to be joining such a fun team of people.

2. I was so lazy this weekend. I literally did nothing but watch Netflix and workout. Not even ashamed! It was a much needed break. I wish I had another week off from work with pay!

3. I detoxed my butt off this weekend from all the holiday crap. I drank about 90 oz of water a day, using my new infuser water bottle, and drank smoothies once or twice a day. I feel so much better now.

4. So from previous posts you’ll know I was excited to get my new ankle straps and triceps rope in the mail. It was like Christmas all over! Naturally I had to immediately try them.

5. I registered for the Running Under the Lights 5k! It’s in Tanglewood and starts on midnight on January 1st. I’m doing it with one of my best friends who may or may not have to drag me across that finish line. It’s been a long time since I’ve ran! This will be a starting time and in December 2014 I’ll do a finishing time. I want to measure and get better.

6. I took my Christmas tree down today, along with all the decorations. Sigh. I love the holidays and I’m sad we have to wait a whole year for them again.


7. Panthers clinched NFC South!!!!

Leg day!


Today was leg day! I love this picture, simply because I can see Richard Simmons saying this. It made me giggle! But anyways…leg day was originally scheduled for tomorrow. Until I received my new ankle strap in the mail! It was like Christmas all over. So, naturally, I had to try it out. (PS tomorrow I get my tricep rope in the mail so looks like it’s biceps and triceps day!)


#truth. Granted, I do get lazy. I’m working on it. But I love lifting. Sooo I thought I’d post my leg routine. Now, I’m not a personal trainer, but sometimes it’s worth trying someone else’s routine to mix things up. Plus it can be good to try something new! I lift as heavy as I can on everything, unless my body is seriously protesting by the last set. I also superset everything (meaning do the first exercise then go straight to the second exercise before resting).

Superset 1
•Barbell Squats 4×10
•Straight legged dead lifts (barbell) 4×10

Superset 2
•Adduction (cable) 3×10
•Abduction (cable) 3×10

Superset 3
•Barbell Calf Raises 3×25
•Hamstring Curls 3×12

Superset 4
•Donkey Kicks (cable) 3×12
•Leg Extensions 3×12

Don’t forget to stretch! Have fun with it. Adjust your weights accordingly. If you have bad form, drop your weights. We won’t want any injuries!


Good luck 😉

Friday five…in quotes!

Okay, so I love quotes. So in honor of that, I’ve decided to do a Friday five in quotes! This was hard for me because I have so many favorite quotes to choose from. But, here are five of my faves!


I had this one as my phone background for a while. It’s a cool picture. Plus, I love it. Always think of yourself as a princess and never let anyone treat you as something less.


Very true. Don’t ever be embarrassed about doing something out of the norm. You could inspire someone else to follow your lead.


I love Blair Waldorf. We’d be bff’s if I was an upper east sider. But she’s right. That body you want? Make it happen. That job you’ve dreamed of? Make it happen. Want to go back to school? Do it! It’s not going to fall into your lap. You have to take charge and get what you want. Don’t be afraid to do it. Sure, it could be new and foreign, but it could be fun!


This is just self explanatory. Another of my absolute favorites!


Be happy. It’s simple…although sometimes we make it more difficult. It’s hard to purge some things that make is angry, upset or unhappy, but it needs to be done. You only get one life and you need to live it as happily as you can.

Resolution time


So it’s now time to start your resolutions. This year I challenge you to stick with them. Many people use weight loss as their resolution and give up after a couple months. Why? You’re probably not using the right tools.

Use a calorie tracker like myfitnesspal or sparkpeople.

Try something new! Yoga, weight lifting, Zumba. Anything that you want to try. Fitness is fun!!! You just have to try what works for you (ps I got new ankle straps and a tricep rope from Christmas…yay!)

Find a buddy. Anyone. Having someone to keep you accountable is one of the best things, in my opinion. My accountability partners have all been found online in Facebook groups and they’ve become good friends of mine. I recently found another who is going to do Insanity with me starting January 1st. Excited!

So just keep going. It isn’t failure if you get up after you fall. There are always bumps in the road. Dust yourself off and get back up!