Give Me a Beat Playlist Linkup!

This morning I went to run sprints with Zeus. Wow. He realllly liked it and actually pushed pulled me to do better. Thankfully I took him because I didn’t have to run as many since we went so fast. It was too cold and windy!!


So during my sprints I remembered the playlist linkup from Mar on the Run! Here are my favorites to use:

1. The Phoenix – Fall Out Boy

2. Diary of Jane – Breaking Benjamin

3. No Better – Lorde

4. Work B*tch – Britney Spears

5. Hey, Soul Sister – Train

6. Breathing – Yellowcard

7. Start Me Up – The Rolling Stones

8. Flashdance…What a Feeling – Glee

9. Living Free – Tiziano Lugli

10. Telephone – Lady Gaga

I can’t wait to see what everyone else’s favorite songs are. Feel free to join the linkup!

Mar on the Run

Feel this moment

Feel this moment by Pitbull – great song. I love music. It’s a lifeline for me. I commute back and forth to school (an hour each way) and if I didn’t have music I’d go insane. I hate the radio, though. The talking…no. I recently discovered Fit Radio for my workous. Download it if you haven’t already! It has some great mixes.

Okay, so the title was the point of the intro. Feel this moment. Love that song. Lately, I’ve learned to “feel the moment.” It’s taken me so long to actually do it, but I’m pretty successful for the most part. I’m really trying to feel the moment in workouts and in my eating, which is HUGE for me.

So a little background info:

I’m Italian…I’m a little heavier than I should be, and I’m trying to battle those Italian genes that want me to eat and eat. A few years ago I saw a weight loss site that I signed up for because I was serious about losing weight. So I was all “yea, this is great!” because, you know, I was losing weight slowly. What I didn’t realize was that I was starving myself and very restrictive. I’ve never admitted it until recently that that is what I did…because I nevery realized it until now. I was only eating around 1200 calories. But I’d do so much cardio (I was the elliptical queen, doing 60 min about 5-6 times a week) and I would get hungry that I’d eat a bunch of crap after my exercising! So essentially, I would barely eat, then eat ice cream, cookies, diet soda, etc.

I didn’t realize that I wasn’t actually being healthy. I finally gave up soda a few years ago, which I’m proud of (every now and then I’ll have a little…then regret it when my tummy hurts). NOW my battle is sweet tea. I live in the south where tea is sweeter than you can imagine! And it’s sooo good.

So I had lost some weight in all of my restrictive eating, lots of cardio, and no resistance training and decided to push myself harder by running hard on the treadmill. Bad idea. I gave myself a bad injury. I had a bruised bone and cartilage in my knee which gave me a huge setback. The doctor said I could go on the stationary bike, but who wants to do that when you burn so many calories on the elliptical or treadmill?! Not me. So I got lazy. And with my crappy eating, and lazy (again) lifestyle, I gained weight slowly back. So fastforward to now, and I’m still battling to lose that weight. Except now I realize what I’ve done wrong and how to correct it. I know that I can lift heavy weights and it’s GOOD because I won’t get bulky and I don’t have to do as much cardio. The problem is I no longer want to do cardio! And I’m trying to work on my eating to moderate the bad stuff.

I’m trying to “feel” the moment and make myself go after my goals. It’s hard! But I have graduation in 6 weeks and I really want to look good in that super cute dress I just bought at the store. So I’m going to eat well, lift heavy for 3-4 days, do 2-3 days of cardio, and on my rest day go for a slow walk. After all, I have a Boxer puppy so he keeps me on my toes a lot!

Although I’ll post a lot about fitness, nutrition, and my weight loss journey, I’ll also post randoms. So keep me accountable! 🙂